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About The Love Project

Families and individuals are inspired to join the Love Project movement because they are looking to make an impact in the world, learn to love larger, and create community with other families. Each individual/family chooses and commits to a project that they focus on for one year.

The Asheville-based group will meet quarterly, and there will be additional optional offerings to build community. The gatherings include shares about how projects are going, a mini-exploration of a topic having to do with expanding our capacity to love and to be of service, and sometimes a potluck or other community building container/activity. We experiment each quarter with radically loving ourselves, others, our neighbors, our communities, our planet, and our Source, and share our findings during the gatherings.

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  • What is the Love Project?
    The Love Project is a non-profit arm of the Center for Inspired Education. We are a coming-home experience for people who are called to doing service in community and in radically loving. We gather monthly to encourage one another to stay inspired to our chosen love projects, and to deepen our relationship to ourselves, one another, the planet and the Divine.
  • Can anybody join?
    Anyone who is interested is welcome to join. All ages are welcome.
  • How do I join?
    Please email
  • Is there any kind of enrollment date or fees?
    There are no fees, and you can join at any time.
  • Can our church, temple, team, business etc. all join?
    Yes, the more the merrier. We think thoughtful, heart-centered service is a wonderful way to unite a community and we always make room for new members.
  • When do you meet?
    We have quarterly in-person gatherings and monthly meetings in person or Zoom, depending on the month. Once you are a part of the Love Project you will be given the date for our next monthly meeting.


Your Personal Love Project

You can choose whatever project is of interest to you, and we suggest your doing something once a month towards your project. It can be you, you and a friend, you and your family. Examples: Homelessness - make/serve/share a meal; walk around downtown and talk/listen; volunteer to add your service to this community, be it massage or counseling; your kids make snack bags and then distribute these to friends who can keep them in car consoles and will have them available when needed.

Environmentalism - river cleanup, trail maintenance, and litter pickup with other families, Opening hearts to a variety of friends - once a month have a dinner with a wide variety of people, some of whom may rarely get invited to a social event. Infinite possibilities to love with action.

Once a month or every other month take an action. At the end of the year you would have taken 6-12 actions. Isn’t that a lot more than you have been doing?

Commit to one issue that you care about.


We have all had those experiences or glimpses of the Big Heart, the feeling of an all-loving energy, where we feel non-judgemental, inspired, and have a great capacity to give. This is the space we learn to cultivate more during our year together, and from which we ideally learn to share and serve more.

Serve from the Big Heart versus your limited self.


What if this year you love with all your heart the things you least love about yourself? And what if you chose the person(s) you find most challenging to love and loved her (them) like never before? And what if our days were filled with loving what is, our home, our job,  whatever, wholeheartedly and with enthusiasm? What would our life be like, and what would it be like for others to be around us?

Love yourself, another and everything like never before.


Imagine if everyone devoted a part of themselves to the service of others:


Supporting families and individuals to have a more consistent, joyful, and community-centered service life.

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